Modern Data (1946 - 2017)
Legacy Data (1791 - 1945)
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Analysis Specifications - Modern Data (1946-2018)
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All Vinson Courts
Vinson 1 | 1946 - 1949
Vinson 2 | 1949 - 1949
Vinson 3 | 1949 - 1953
All Warren Courts
Warren 1 | 1953 - 1954
Warren 2 | 1954 - 1955
Warren 3 | 1955 - 1956
Warren 4 | 1956 - 1957
Warren 5 | 1957 - 1958
Warren 6 | 1958 - 1962
Warren 7 | 1962 - 1962
Warren 8 | 1962 - 1965
Warren 9 | 1965 - 1967
Warren 10 | 1967 - 1969
Warren 11 | 1969 - 1969
All Burger Courts
Burger 1 | 1969 - 1970
Burger 2 | 1970 - 1971
Burger 3 | 1971 - 1972
Burger 4 | 1972 - 1975
Burger 5 | 1975 - 1975
Burger 6 | 1975 - 1981
Burger 7 | 1981 - 1986
All Rehnquist Courts
Rehnquist 1 | 1986 - 1987
Rehnquist 2 | 1987 - 1988
Rehnquist 3 | 1988 - 1990
Rehnquist 4 | 1990 - 1991
Rehnquist 5 | 1991 - 1993
Rehnquist 6 | 1993 - 1994
Rehnquist 7 | 1994 - 2005
All Roberts Courts
Roberts 1 | 2005 - 2006
Roberts 2 | 2006 - 2009
Roberts 3 | 2009 - 2010
Roberts 4 | 2010 - 2016
Roberts 5 | 2016 - 2017
Roberts 6 | 2017 - 2018
Roberts 7 | 2018 - 2020
Roberts 8 | 2020 - 2020
Roberts 9 | 2020 - 2022
Roberts 10 | 2022 - Present
Decision Type
equally divided vote
judgment of the Court (orally argued)
opinion of the court (orally argued)
per curiam (no oral argument)
per curiam (orally argued)
(click category description (e.g., Attorneys) to display itemized list)
4 sub-issues
admission to a state or federal bar, disbarment, and attorney discipline (cf. loyalty oath: bar applicants)
admission to, or disbarment from, Bar of the U.S. Supreme Court
attorneys' and governmental employees' or officials' fees or compensation or licenses
commercial speech, attorneys (cf. commercial speech)
Civil Rights
42 sub-issues
affirmative action
ballot access (of candidates and political parties)
debtors' rights
deportation (cf. immigration and naturalization)
desegregation (other than as pertains to school desegregation, employment discrimination, and affirmative action)
desegregation, schools
employability of aliens (cf. immigration and naturalization)
employment discrimination: on basis of race, age, religion, illegitimacy, national origin, or working conditions.
handicapped, rights of: under Rehabilitation, Americans with Disabilities Act, and related statutes
illegitimates, rights of (cf. juveniles): typically inheritance and survivor's benefits, and paternity suits
immigration and naturalization: access to public education
immigration and naturalization: citizenship
immigration and naturalization: loss of citizenship, denaturalization
immigration and naturalization: miscellaneous
immigration and naturalization: permanent residence
immigration and naturalization: welfare benefits
Indians (other than pertains to state jurisdiction over)
Indians, state jurisdiction over
indigents: appointment of counsel (cf. right to counsel)
indigents: assistance of psychiatrist
indigents: costs or filing fees
indigents: inadequate representation by counsel (cf. right to counsel)
indigents: miscellaneous
indigents: payment of fine
indigents: transcript
indigents: U.S. Supreme Court docketing fee
juveniles (cf. rights of illegitimates)
liability, civil rights acts (cf. liability, governmental and liability, nongovernmental; cruel and unusual punishment, non-death penalty)
military: active duty
military: draftee, or person subject to induction
military: veteran
miscellaneous civil rights (cf. comity: civil rights)
poverty law, constitutional
poverty law, statutory: welfare benefits, typically under some Social Security Act provision.
reapportionment: other than plans governed by the Voting Rights Act
residency requirements: durational, plus discrimination against nonresidents
sex discrimination (excluding sex discrimination in employment)
sex discrimination in employment (cf. sex discrimination)
sit-in demonstrations (protests against racial discrimination in places of public accommodation)
slavery or indenture
Voting Rights Act of 1965, plus amendments
Criminal Procedure
60 sub-issues
confrontation (right to confront accuser, call and cross-examine witnesses)
contempt of court or congress
cruel and unusual punishment, death penalty (cf. extra legal jury influence, death penalty)
cruel and unusual punishment, non-death penalty (cf. liability, civil rights acts)
discovery and inspection (in the context of criminal litigation only, otherwise Freedom of Information Act and related federal or state statutes or regulations)
double jeopardy
ex post facto (state)
extra-legal jury influences: contact with jurors outside courtroom
extra-legal jury influences: jurors and death penalty (cf. cruel and unusual punishment)
extra-legal jury influences: jury instructions (not necessarily in criminal cases)
extra-legal jury influences: miscellaneous
extra-legal jury influences: prejudicial statements or evidence
extra-legal jury influences: pretrial publicity
extra-legal jury influences: prison garb or appearance
extra-legal jury influences: voir dire (not necessarily a criminal case)
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
habeas corpus
involuntary confession
jury trial (right to, as distinct from extra-legal jury influences)
Miranda warnings
miscellaneous criminal procedure (cf. due process, prisoners' rights, comity: criminal procedure)
plea bargaining: the constitutionality of and/or the circumstances of its exercise
retroactivity (of newly announced or newly enacted constitutional or statutory rights)
right to counsel (cf. indigents appointment of counsel or inadequate representation)
search and seizure (other than as pertains to vehicles or Crime Control Act)
search and seizure, Crime Control Act
search and seizure, vehicles
self-incrimination (other than as pertains to Miranda or immunity from prosecution)
self-incrimination, immunity from prosecution
speedy trial
statutory construction of criminal laws: assault
statutory construction of criminal laws: bank robbery
statutory construction of criminal laws: conspiracy (cf. subconstitutional fair procedure: conspiracy)
statutory construction of criminal laws: escape from custody
statutory construction of criminal laws: false statements (cf. statutory construction of criminal laws: perjury)
statutory construction of criminal laws: financial (other than in fraud or internal revenue)
statutory construction of criminal laws: firearms
statutory construction of criminal laws: fraud
statutory construction of criminal laws: gambling
statutory construction of criminal laws: Hobbs Act; i.e., 18 USC 1951
statutory construction of criminal laws: immigration (cf. immigration and naturalization)
statutory construction of criminal laws: internal revenue (cf. Federal Taxation)
statutory construction of criminal laws: Mann Act and related statutes
statutory construction of criminal laws: miscellaneous
statutory construction of criminal laws: narcotics includes regulation and prohibition of alcohol
statutory construction of criminal laws: obstruction of justice
statutory construction of criminal laws: perjury (other than as pertains to statutory construction of criminal laws: false statements)
statutory construction of criminal laws: sentencing guidelines
statutory construction of criminal laws: Travel Act, 18 USC 1952
statutory construction of criminal laws: war crimes
subconstitutional fair procedure: confession of error
subconstitutional fair procedure: conspiracy (cf. Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure: conspiracy)
subconstitutional fair procedure: entrapment
subconstitutional fair procedure: exhaustion of remedies
subconstitutional fair procedure: fugitive from justice
subconstitutional fair procedure: miscellaneous
subconstitutional fair procedure: presentation, admissibility, or sufficiency of evidence (not necessarily a criminal case)
subconstitutional fair procedure: stay of execution
subconstitutional fair procedure: timeliness
Due Process
7 sub-issues
due process: hearing or notice (other than as pertains to government employees or prisoners' rights)
due process: hearing, government employees
due process: impartial decision maker
due process: jurisdiction (jurisdiction over non-resident litigants)
due process: miscellaneous (cf. loyalty oath), the residual code
due process: prisoners' rights and defendants' rights
due process: takings clause, or other non-constitutional governmental taking of property
Economic Activity
36 sub-issues
antitrust (except in the context of mergers and union antitrust)
arbitration (other than as pertains to labor-management or employer-employee relations (cf. union arbitration)
bankruptcy (except in the context of priority of federal fiscal claims)
corruption, governmental or governmental regulation of other than as in campaign spending
election of remedies: legal remedies available to injured persons or things
Employee Retirement Income Security Act (cf. union trust funds)
federal and some few state regulation of public utilities regulation: cable television (cf. radio and television)
federal and some few state regulation of public utilities regulation: electric power
federal and some few state regulation of public utilities regulation: gas pipeline (cf. federal transportation regulation: pipeline)
federal and some few state regulation of public utilities regulation: gas producer
federal and some few state regulation of public utilities regulation: nuclear power
federal and some few state regulation of public utilities regulation: oil producer
federal and some few state regulation of public utilities regulation: radio and television (cf. cable television)
federal and some few state regulation of transportation regulation: airline
federal and some few state regulation of transportation regulation: pipeline (cf. federal public utilities regulation: gas pipeline)
federal and some few state regulation of transportation regulation:truck, or motor carrier
federal and some few state regulations of public utilities regulation: telephone or telegraph company
federal and some few state regulations of transportation regulation: boat
federal or state consumer protection: typically under the Truth in Lending; Food, Drug and Cosmetic; and Consumer Protection Credit Acts
federal or state regulation of securities
federal or state regulation of transportation regulation: railroad
liability, governmental: tort or contract actions by or against government or governmental officials other than defense of criminal actions brought under a civil rights action.
liability, other than as in sufficiency of evidence, election of remedies, punitive damages
liability, punitive damages
miscellaneous economic regulation
natural resources - environmental protection (cf. national supremacy: natural resources, national supremacy: pollution)
patents and copyrights: copyright
patents and copyrights: patent
patents and copyrights: patentability of computer processes
patents and copyrights: trademark
state and territorial land claims
state or local government regulation, especially of business (cf. federal pre-emption of state court jurisdiction, federal pre-emption of state legislation or regulation)
state or local government tax
sufficiency of evidence: typically in the context of a jury's determination of compensation for injury or death
zoning: constitutionality of such ordinances, or restrictions on owners' or lessors' use of real property
Federal Taxation
4 sub-issues
federal taxation of gifts, personal, business, or professional expenses
federal taxation, typically under provisions of the Internal Revenue Code
miscellaneous federal taxation (cf. national supremacy: state tax)
priority of federal fiscal claims: over those of the states or private entities
13 sub-issues
federal pre-emption of state court jurisdiction
federal pre-emption of state legislation or regulation. cf. state regulation of business. rarely involves union activity. Does not involve constitutional interpretation unless the Court says it does.
federal-state ownership dispute (cf. Submerged Lands Act)
miscellaneous federalism
national supremacy: commodities
national supremacy: intergovernmental tax immunity
national supremacy: marital and family relationships and property, including obligation of child support
national supremacy: miscellaneous
national supremacy: natural resources (cf. natural resources - environmental protection)
national supremacy: pollution, air or water (cf. natural resources - environmental protection)
national supremacy: public utilities (cf. federal public utilities regulation)
national supremacy: state tax (cf. state tax)
Submerged Lands Act (cf. federal-state ownership dispute)
First Amendment
20 sub-issues
campaign spending (cf. governmental corruption):
commercial speech, excluding attorneys
conscientious objectors (cf. military draftee or military active duty) to military service
establishment of religion (other than as pertains to parochiaid:)
federal or state internal security legislation: Smith, Internal Security, and related federal statutes
First Amendment, miscellaneous (cf. comity: First Amendment)
free exercise of religion
legislative investigations: concerning internal security only
libel, defamation: defamation of public officials and public and private persons
libel, privacy: true and false light invasions of privacy
loyalty oath or non-Communist affidavit (other than bar applicants, government employees, political party, or teacher)
loyalty oath: bar applicants (cf. admission to bar, state or federal or U.S. Supreme Court)
loyalty oath: government employees
loyalty oath: political party
loyalty oath: teachers
obscenity, federal
obscenity, state (cf. comity: privacy): including the regulation of sexually explicit material under the 21st Amendment
parochiaid: government aid to religious schools, or religious requirements in public schools
protest demonstrations (other than as pertains to sit-in demonstrations): demonstrations and other forms of protest based on First Amendment guarantees
security risks: denial of benefits or dismissal of employees for reasons other than failure to meet loyalty oath requirements
Interstate Relations
3 sub-issues
boundary dispute between states
miscellaneous interstate relations conflict
non-real property dispute between states
Judicial Power
52 sub-issues
assessment of costs or damages: as part of a court order
comity primarily removal cases, civil procedure (cf. comity, criminal and First Amendment); deference to foreign judicial tribunals
comity: civil rights
comity: criminal procedure
comity: First Amendment
comity: habeas corpus
comity: military
comity: miscellaneous
comity: obscenity
comity: privacy
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure including Supreme Court Rules, application of the Federal Rules of Evidence, Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure in civil litigation, Circuit Court Rules, and state rules and admiralty rules
judicial administration: Act of State doctrine
judicial administration: ancillary or pendent jurisdiction
judicial administration: certification (cf. objection to reason for denial of certiorari or appeal)
judicial administration: change in state law (cf. no merits: remand to determine basis of state court decision)
judicial administration: collateral estoppel or res judicata
judicial administration: extraordinary relief (e.g., mandamus, injunction)
judicial administration: federal question (cf. no merits: dismissed for want of a substantial or properly presented federal question)
judicial administration: interpleader
judicial administration: jurisdiction or authority of federal courts of appeals
judicial administration: jurisdiction or authority of federal district courts or territorial courts
judicial administration: jurisdiction or authority of the Court of Claims
judicial administration: miscellaneous
judicial administration: objection to reason for denial of certiorari or appeal
judicial administration: resolution of circuit conflict, or conflict between or among other courts
judicial administration: review of non-final order
judicial administration: Supreme Court jurisdiction or authority on appeal or writ of error, from federal district courts or courts of appeals (cf. 753)
judicial administration: Supreme Court jurisdiction or authority on appeal or writ of error, from highest state court
judicial administration: Supreme Court's original jurisdiction
judicial administration: untimely filing
judicial review of administrative agency's or administrative official's actions and procedures
miscellaneous judicial power, especially diversity jurisdiction
mootness (cf. standing to sue: live dispute)
no merits: adequate non-federal grounds for decision
no merits: dismissed or affirmed for want of a substantial or properly presented federal question, or a nonsuit
no merits: dismissed or affirmed for want of jurisdiction (cf. judicial administration: Supreme Court jurisdiction or authority on appeal from federal district courts or courts of appeals)
no merits: miscellaneous
no merits: remand to determine basis of state or federal court decision (cf. judicial administration: state law)
no merits: writ improvidently granted
standing to sue: adversary parties
standing to sue: direct injury
standing to sue: justiciable question
standing to sue: legal injury
standing to sue: live dispute
standing to sue: miscellaneous
standing to sue: parens patriae standing
standing to sue: personal injury
standing to sue: private or implied cause of action
standing to sue: statutory standing
standing to sue: taxpayer's suit
Supreme Court's certiorari, writ of error, or appeals jurisdiction
4 sub-issues
executive authority vis-a-vis congress or the states
incorporation of foreign territories
legislative veto
4 sub-issues
abortion: including contraceptives
Freedom of Information Act and related federal or state statutes or regulations
privacy (cf. libel, comity: privacy)
right to die
Private Action
8 sub-issues
civil procedure
commercial transactions
personal property
real property
wills and trusts
21 sub-issues
arbitration (in the context of labor-management or employer-employee relations) (cf. arbitration)
Fair Labor Standards Act
labor-management disputes: antistrike injunction
labor-management disputes: bargaining
labor-management disputes: distribution of union literature
labor-management disputes: employee discharge
labor-management disputes: jurisdictional dispute
labor-management disputes: miscellaneous dispute
labor-management disputes: no-strike clause
labor-management disputes: picketing
labor-management disputes: representative election
labor-management disputes: right to organize
labor-management disputes: secondary activity
labor-management disputes: union representatives
labor-management disputes: union trust funds (cf. ERISA)
labor-management disputes: working conditions
miscellaneous union
Occupational Safety and Health Act
union antitrust: legality of anticompetitive union activity
union or closed shop: includes agency shop litigation
union-union member dispute (except as pertains to union or closed shop)
Legal Provisions
(click category description (e.g., Constitution) to display itemized list)
54 sub-issues
'contract clause' (No Article to be added)
'freedom of contract' (Again, no article)
Amendment Clause
Article I, Section 1 (delegation of powers)
Article I, Section 10 (state bill of attainder or ex post facto law)
Article I, Section 10 (state bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or bills of credit)
Article I, Section 10, Paragraph 1 (contract clause)
Article I, Section 10, Paragraph 2 (export-import clause)
Article I, Section 10, Paragraph 3 (compact clause)
Article I, Section 2, Paragraph 1 (composition of the House of Representatives)
Article I, Section 2, Paragraph 3 (apportionment of Representatives)
Article I, Section 4, Paragraph 1 (elections clause)
Article I, Section 5, Paragraph 1 (congressional qualifications)
Article I, Section 6, Paragraph 1 (speech or debate clause)
Article I, Section 6, Paragraph 2 (civil appointments)
Article I, Section 7, Paragraph 1 (origination clause)
Article I, Section 7, Paragraph 2 (separation of powers)
Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 1 (taxing, spending, general welfare, or uniformity clause)
Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 11 (war power)
Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 14 (governance of the armed forces)
Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 15 (call-up of militia)
Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 16 (organizing the militia)
Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 17 (governance of the District of Columbia and lands purchased from the states)
Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 18 (necessary and proper clause)
Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 3 (interstate commerce clause)
Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 4 (bankruptcy clause)
Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 7 (postal power)
Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 8 (patent and copyright clause)
Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 2 (suspension of the writ of habeas corpus)
Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 3 (bill of attainder or ex post facto law)
Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 4 (direct tax)
Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 5 (export clause)
Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 6 (preference to ports)
Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 7 (appropriations clause)
Article II, Section 1 (executive power)
Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 8 (oath provision)
Article II, Section 2 (commander-in-chief)
Article II, Section 2, Paragraph 1 (presidential pardoning power)
Article II, Section 2, Paragraph 2 (appointments clause)
Article III, Section 1, Paragraph 1 (judicial power)
Article III, Section 1, Paragraph 2 (good behavior and compensation clause of federal judges)
Article III, Section 2 (extent of judicial power)
Article III, Section 2, Paragraph 1 (case or controversy requirement)
Article III, Section 2, Paragraph 2 (original jurisdiction)
Article III, Section 2, Paragraph 3 (vicinage requirement)
Article III, Section 3 (treason clause)
Article IV, Section 1 (full faith and credit clause)
Article IV, Section 2, Paragraph 1 (privileges and immunities clause)
Article IV, Section 2, Paragraph 2 (extradition clause)
Article IV, Section 3, Paragraph 2 (property clause)
Article IV, Section 4 (guarantee clause)
Article V, Section 1 (courts)
Article VI, Section 2 (supremacy clause)
Article VI, Section 3 (oath provision)
Constitutional Amendment
42 sub-issues
Eighth Amendment (cruel and unusual punishment)
Eighth Amendment (prohibition of excessive bail)
Eighth Amendment (prohibition of excessive fines)
Eleventh Amendment
Fifteenth Amendment (enforcement clause)
Fifteenth Amendment (other provisions)
Fifth Amendment (double jeopardy)
Fifth Amendment (due process)
Fifth Amendment (equal protection)
Fifth Amendment (grand jury)
Fifth Amendment (Miranda warnings)
Fifth Amendment (self-incrimination)
Fifth Amendment (takings clause)
First Amendment (association)
First Amendment (establishment of religion)
First Amendment (free exercise of religion)
First Amendment (petition clause)
First Amendment (speech, press, and assembly)
Fourteenth Amendment (citizenship clause)
Fourteenth Amendment (due process and equal protection)
Fourteenth Amendment (due process)
Fourteenth Amendment (enforcement clause)
Fourteenth Amendment (equal protection)
Fourteenth Amendment (privileges and immunities clause)
Fourteenth Amendment (reduction in representation clause)
Fourteenth Amendment (takings clause)
Fourth Amendment
Ninth Amendment
Second Amendment
Seventeenth Amendment
Seventh Amendment
Sixteenth Amendment
Sixth Amendment (other provisions)
Sixth Amendment (right to confront and cross-examine, compulsory process)
Sixth Amendment (right to counsel)
Sixth Amendment (right to trial by jury)
Sixth Amendment (speedy trial)
Tenth Amendment
Thirteenth Amendment (both sections 1 and 2)
Twelfth Amendment
Twenty-First Amendment
Twenty-Fourth Amendment
Federal Statute
88 sub-issues
28 U.S.C. § 2241-2255 (habeas corpus)
Administrative Procedure, or Administrative Orders Review
Age Discrimination in Employment
Aid to Families with Dependent Children provisions of the Social Security Act, plus amendments
Americans with Disabilities Act
Atomic Energy
Bankruptcy Code, Bankruptcy Act or Rules, or Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978
Civil Rights Act of 1957
Civil Rights Act of 1964 (other)
Civil Rights Act of 1964 (public accommodations)
Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title II)
Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title IV)
Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title IX)
Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI)
Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII)
Civil Rights Act of 1991
Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Awards
Clean Air, plus amendments
Communication Act of 1934, as amended
Education Amendments of 1972
Education of the Handicapped, Education for All Handicapped Children, or Individuals with Disabilities Education Acts, or related statutes, as amended
Elementary and Secondary Education
Employee Retirement Income Security, as amended
Equal Access to Justice
Fair Housing
Fair Labor Standards
Family Educational Rights and Privacy (Buckley Amendment)
Federal Arbitration Act
Federal Election Campaign
Federal Employees' Compensation
Federal Employers' Liability, as amended
Federal False Claims
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic, and related statutes
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide
Federal Power
Federal Tort Claims, or Alien Tort Statute
Federal Trade Commission
Federal Water Pollution Control (Clean Water), plus amendments
Freedom of Information, Sunshine, or Privacy Act
Immigration and Naturalization, Immigration, Nationality, or Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Acts, as amended
Internal Revenue Code and pre-IRC revenue acts
Internal Security (also see 369)
Interstate Commerce, as amended
Jones, or Death on the High Seas
Judiciary Act of 1789
Labor-Management Relations
Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure
Longshoremen and Harbor Workers' Compensation
Medicaid provisions of the Social Security Act
Medicare provisions of the Social Security Act
Motor Carrier
National Environmental Policy
National Labor Relations, as amended
Natural Gas, or Natural Gas Policy Acts
Occupational Safety and Health
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets, National Firearms, Organized Crime Control, Comprehensive Crime Control, or Gun Control Acts
Public Utility Regulatory Policy
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations
Railway Labor
Reconstruction Civil Rights Acts (42 U.S.C. § 1971)
Reconstruction Civil Rights Acts (42 U.S.C. § 1978)
Reconstruction Civil Rights Acts (42 U.S.C. § 1981)
Reconstruction Civil Rights Acts (42 U.S.C. § 1982)
Reconstruction Civil Rights Acts (42 U.S.C. § 1983)
Reconstruction Civil Rights Acts (42 U.S.C. § 1985)
Reconstruction Civil Rights Acts (42 U.S.C. § 1986)
Reconstruction Civil Rights Acts (42 U.S.C. § 1999)
Religious Freedom Restoration
Securities Act of 1933, the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, or the Williams Act
Selective Service, Military Selective Service, or Universal Military Service and Training Acts
Smith, Subversive Activities Control, Communist Control, or other similar federal legislation (also see 346)
Social Security, as amended, including Social Security Disability Benefits Reform Act
State Law
Statutory provisions of the District of Columbia
Submerged Lands Acts
Supplemental Security Income
Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended
Truth in Lending
Universal Code of Military Justice
Voting Rights Act of 1965, plus amendments
Court Rules
4 sub-issues
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, including Appellate Procedure, or relevant rules of a circuit court Judicial Code, and admiralty rules
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, or relevant rules of a circuit court
Federal Rules of Evidence
Supreme Court Rules
15 sub-issues
Abstention Doctrine
Emergency Price Control
Exclusionary Rule (Fourth Amendment)
Exclusionary Rule (Miranda warnings)
Exclusionary Rule (Right to Counsel)
Executive Order
Harmless Error
International Law
Interstate Compact
Res Judicata
Retroactive application of a constitutional right
Territory Statute
Writ Improvidently Granted
Infrequently litigated statutes
1 sub-issues
Infrequently litigated statutes
State or local law or regulation
1 sub-issues
State or Local Law Regulation
No Legal Provision
1 sub-issues
No Legal Provision
Vote Coalition
Set Majority Votes ...
Set Minority Votes ...
Winning Party
no favorable disposition for petitioning party apparent
petitioning party received a favorable disposition
favorable disposition for petitioning party unclear
Case Disposition
stay, petition, or motion granted
affirmed (includes modified)
reversed and remanded
vacated and remanded
affirmed and reversed (or vacated) in part
affirmed and reversed (or vacated) in part and remanded
petition denied or appeal dismissed
certification to or from a lower court
no disposition
Declaration Unconstitutional
no declaration of unconstitutionality
act of congress declared unconstitutional
state or territorial law, reg, or const provision unconstitutional
municipal or other local ordinance unconstitutional
Precedent Alteration
no determinable alteration of precedent
precedent altered
Court whose decision the Supreme Court is reviewing
Federal Court of Appeals
Federal District Court
Legacy Federal Court of Appeals
Legacy Federal District Court
Misc Federal Court
State Appellate Court
State Court of Last Resort
State Trial Court
Territorial Court
If a State Court, limit to
Include all States ...
American Samoa
District of Columbia
Federated States of Micronesia
Interstate Compact
Marshall Islands
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Northern Mariana Islands
Puerto Rico
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
United States
Virgin Islands
West Virginia
If a Federal Court, limit to
Include all Courts ...
U.S. Court of Appeals, First Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit (includes the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia but not the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, which has local jurisdiction)
U.S. Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit
Alabama Middle U.S. District Court
Alabama Northern U.S. District Court
Alabama Southern U.S. District Court
Alaska U.S. District Court
Arizona U.S. District Court
Arkansas Eastern U.S. District Court
Arkansas Western U.S. District Court
California Central U.S. District Court
California Eastern U.S. District Court
California Northern U.S. District Court
California Southern U.S. District Court
Colorado U.S. District Court
Connecticut U.S. District Court
Delaware U.S. District Court
District Of Columbia U.S. District Court
Florida Middle U.S. District Court
Florida Northern U.S. District Court
Florida Southern U.S. District Court
Georgia Middle U.S. District Court
Georgia Northern U.S. District Court
Georgia Southern U.S. District Court
Guam U.S. District Court
Hawaii U.S. District Court
Idaho U.S. District Court
Illinois Central U.S. District Court
Illinois Northern U.S. District Court
Illinois Southern U.S. District Court
Indiana Northern U.S. District Court
Indiana Southern U.S. District Court
Iowa Northern U.S. District Court
Iowa Southern U.S. District Court
Kansas U.S. District Court
Kentucky Eastern U.S. District Court
Kentucky Western U.S. District Court
Louisiana Eastern U.S. District Court
Louisiana Middle U.S. District Court
Louisiana Western U.S. District Court
Maine U.S. District Court
Maryland U.S. District Court
Massachusetts U.S. District Court
Michigan Eastern U.S. District Court
Michigan Western U.S. District Court
Minnesota U.S. District Court
Mississippi Northern U.S. District Court
Mississippi Southern U.S. District Court
Missouri Eastern U.S. District Court
Missouri Western U.S. District Court
Montana U.S. District Court
Nebraska U.S. District Court
Nevada U.S. District Court
New Hampshire U.S. District Court
New Jersey U.S. District Court
New Mexico U.S. District Court
New York Eastern U.S. District Court
New York Northern U.S. District Court
New York Southern U.S. District Court
New York Western U.S. District Court
North Carolina Eastern U.S. District Court
North Carolina Middle U.S. District Court
North Carolina Western U.S. District Court
North Dakota U.S. District Court
Northern Mariana Islands U.S. District Court
Ohio Northern U.S. District Court
Ohio Southern U.S. District Court
Oklahoma Eastern U.S. District Court
Oklahoma Northern U.S. District Court
Oklahoma Western U.S. District Court
Oregon U.S. District Court
Pennsylvania Eastern U.S. District Court
Pennsylvania Middle U.S. District Court
Pennsylvania Western U.S. District Court
Puerto Rico U.S. District Court
Rhode Island U.S. District Court
South Carolina U.S. District Court
South Dakota U.S. District Court
Tennessee Eastern U.S. District Court
Tennessee Middle U.S. District Court
Tennessee Western U.S. District Court
Texas Eastern U.S. District Court
Texas Northern U.S. District Court
Texas Southern U.S. District Court
Texas Western U.S. District Court
Utah U.S. District Court
Vermont U.S. District Court
Virgin Islands U.S. District Court
Virginia Eastern U.S. District Court
Virginia Western U.S. District Court
Washington Eastern U.S. District Court
Washington Western U.S. District Court
West Virginia Northern U.S. District Court
West Virginia Southern U.S. District Court
Wisconsin Eastern U.S. District Court
Wisconsin Western U.S. District Court
Wyoming U.S. District Court
Court in which case originated
Federal Court of Appeals
Federal District Court
Legacy Federal Court of Appeals
Legacy Federal District Court
Misc Federal Court
State Appellate Court
State Court of Last Resort
State Trial Court
Territorial Court
If a State Court, limit to
Include all States ...
American Samoa
District of Columbia
Federated States of Micronesia
Interstate Compact
Marshall Islands
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Northern Mariana Islands
Puerto Rico
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
United States
Virgin Islands
West Virginia
If a Federal Court, limit to
Include all Courts ...
U.S. Court of Appeals, First Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit (includes the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia but not the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, which has local jurisdiction)
U.S. Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit
Alabama Middle U.S. District Court
Alabama Northern U.S. District Court
Alabama Southern U.S. District Court
Alaska U.S. District Court
Arizona U.S. District Court
Arkansas Eastern U.S. District Court
Arkansas Western U.S. District Court
California Central U.S. District Court
California Eastern U.S. District Court
California Northern U.S. District Court
California Southern U.S. District Court
Colorado U.S. District Court
Connecticut U.S. District Court
Delaware U.S. District Court
District Of Columbia U.S. District Court
Florida Middle U.S. District Court
Florida Northern U.S. District Court
Florida Southern U.S. District Court
Georgia Middle U.S. District Court
Georgia Northern U.S. District Court
Georgia Southern U.S. District Court
Guam U.S. District Court
Hawaii U.S. District Court
Idaho U.S. District Court
Illinois Central U.S. District Court
Illinois Northern U.S. District Court
Illinois Southern U.S. District Court
Indiana Northern U.S. District Court
Indiana Southern U.S. District Court
Iowa Northern U.S. District Court
Iowa Southern U.S. District Court
Kansas U.S. District Court
Kentucky Eastern U.S. District Court
Kentucky Western U.S. District Court
Louisiana Eastern U.S. District Court
Louisiana Middle U.S. District Court
Louisiana Western U.S. District Court
Maine U.S. District Court
Maryland U.S. District Court
Massachusetts U.S. District Court
Michigan Eastern U.S. District Court
Michigan Western U.S. District Court
Minnesota U.S. District Court
Mississippi Northern U.S. District Court
Mississippi Southern U.S. District Court
Missouri Eastern U.S. District Court
Missouri Western U.S. District Court
Montana U.S. District Court
Nebraska U.S. District Court
Nevada U.S. District Court
New Hampshire U.S. District Court
New Jersey U.S. District Court
New Mexico U.S. District Court
New York Eastern U.S. District Court
New York Northern U.S. District Court
New York Southern U.S. District Court
New York Western U.S. District Court
North Carolina Eastern U.S. District Court
North Carolina Middle U.S. District Court
North Carolina Western U.S. District Court
North Dakota U.S. District Court
Northern Mariana Islands U.S. District Court
Ohio Northern U.S. District Court
Ohio Southern U.S. District Court
Oklahoma Eastern U.S. District Court
Oklahoma Northern U.S. District Court
Oklahoma Western U.S. District Court
Oregon U.S. District Court
Pennsylvania Eastern U.S. District Court
Pennsylvania Middle U.S. District Court
Pennsylvania Western U.S. District Court
Puerto Rico U.S. District Court
Rhode Island U.S. District Court
South Carolina U.S. District Court
South Dakota U.S. District Court
Tennessee Eastern U.S. District Court
Tennessee Middle U.S. District Court
Tennessee Western U.S. District Court
Texas Eastern U.S. District Court
Texas Northern U.S. District Court
Texas Southern U.S. District Court
Texas Western U.S. District Court
Utah U.S. District Court
Vermont U.S. District Court
Virgin Islands U.S. District Court
Virginia Eastern U.S. District Court
Virginia Western U.S. District Court
Washington Eastern U.S. District Court
Washington Western U.S. District Court
West Virginia Northern U.S. District Court
West Virginia Southern U.S. District Court
Wisconsin Eastern U.S. District Court
Wisconsin Western U.S. District Court
Wyoming U.S. District Court
agency of the federal government
50 Most Prevalent Petitioners
Listed in order of prevalence ...
1. United States
2. State
3. person accused, indicted, or suspected of crime
4. person convicted of crime
5. governmental official, or an official of an agency established under an interstate compact
6. union, labor organization, or official of
7. employee, or job applicant, including beneficiaries of
8. employer. If employer's relations with employees are governed by the nature of the employer's business (e.g., railroad, boat), rather than labor law generally, the more specific designation is used in place of Employer.
9. political candidate, activist, committee, party, party member, organization, or elected official
10. city, town, township, village, or borough government or governmental unit
11. alien, person subject to a denaturalization proceeding, or one whose citizenship is revoked
12. governmental employee or job applicant
13. prisoner, inmate of penal institution
14. railroad
15. owner, landlord, or claimant to ownership, fee interest, or possession of land as well as chattels
16. oil company, or natural gas producer
17. taxpayer or executor of taxpayer's estate, federal only
18. National Labor Relations Board, or regional office or officer
19. state commission, board, committee, or authority
20. manufacturer
21. attorney, or person acting as such;includes bar applicant or law student, or law firm or bar association
22. voter, prospective voter, elector, or a nonelective official seeking reapportionment or redistricting of legislative districts (POL)
23. bank, savings and loan, credit union, investment company
24. state department or agency
25. person or organization protesting racial or ethnic segregation or discrimination
26. water transportation, stevedore
27. witness, or person under subpoena
28. physically injured person, including wrongful death, who is not an employee
29. Indian, including Indian tribe or nation
30. trucking company, or motor carrier
31. county government or county governmental unit, except school district
32. local school district or board of education
33. insurance company, or surety
34. Internal Revenue Service, Collector, Commissioner, or District Director of
35. defendant
36. Federal Trade Commission
37. military personnel, or dependent of, including reservist
38. state or local governmental taxpayer, or executor of the estate of
39. electric or hydroelectric power utility, power cooperative, or gas and electric company
40. creditor, including institution appearing as such; e.g., a finance company
41. business, corporation
42. indigent defendant
43. racial or ethnic minority
44. Department or Secretary of Health and Human Services
45. religious organization, institution, or person
46. broker, stock exchange, investment or securities firm
47. bankrupt person or business, or business in reorganization
48. attorney general of the United States, or his office
49. government contractor
50. Department or Secretary of the Interior
agency of the federal government
50 Most Prevalent Respondents
Listed in order of prevalence ...
1. State
2. United States
3. person accused, indicted, or suspected of crime
4. governmental official, or an official of an agency established under an interstate compact
5. employer. If employer's relations with employees are governed by the nature of the employer's business (e.g., railroad, boat), rather than labor law generally, the more specific designation is used in place of Employer.
6. person convicted of crime
7. city, town, township, village, or borough government or governmental unit
8. state commission, board, committee, or authority
9. railroad
10. employee, or job applicant, including beneficiaries of
11. union, labor organization, or official of
12. owner, landlord, or claimant to ownership, fee interest, or possession of land as well as chattels
13. prisoner, inmate of penal institution
14. alien, person subject to a denaturalization proceeding, or one whose citizenship is revoked
15. voter, prospective voter, elector, or a nonelective official seeking reapportionment or redistricting of legislative districts (POL)
16. taxpayer or executor of taxpayer's estate, federal only
17. governmental employee or job applicant
18. local school district or board of education
19. political candidate, activist, committee, party, party member, organization, or elected official
20. water transportation, stevedore
21. manufacturer
22. Indian, including Indian tribe or nation
23. state department or agency
24. county government or county governmental unit, except school district
25. physically injured person, including wrongful death, who is not an employee
26. National Labor Relations Board, or regional office or officer
27. oil company, or natural gas producer
28. insurance company, or surety
29. environmental organization
30. Internal Revenue Service, Collector, Commissioner, or District Director of
31. inventor, patent assigner, trademark owner or holder
32. Federal Election Commission
33. judge
34. bank, savings and loan, credit union, investment company
35. Immigration and Naturalization Service, or Director of, or District Director of, or Immigration and Naturalization Enforcement
36. government contractor
37. attorney general of the United States, or his office
38. court or judicial district
39. creditor, including institution appearing as such; e.g., a finance company
40. bankrupt person or business, or business in reorganization
41. construction industry
42. Unidentifiable
43. trucking company, or motor carrier
44. attorney, or person acting as such;includes bar applicant or law student, or law firm or bar association
45. student, or applicant for admission to an educational institution
46. investor
47. electric or hydroelectric power utility, power cooperative, or gas and electric company
48. Federal Power Commission
49. health organization or person, nursing home, medical clinic or laboratory, chiropractor
50. state or local governmental taxpayer, or executor of the estate of
Justice Involved
Include all justices ...
Alito Jr., Samuel A.
Barrett, Amy Coney
Black, Hugo Lafayette
Blackmun, Harry Andrew
Brennan Jr., William Joseph
Breyer, Stephen G.
Burger, Warren Earl
Burton, Harold Hitz
Clark, Tom Campbell
Douglas, William Orville
Fortas, Abe
Frankfurter, Felix
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
Goldberg, Arthur Joseph
Gorsuch, Neil McGill
Harlan II, John Marshall
Jackson, Ketanji Brown
Jackson, Robert Houghwout
Kagan, Elena
Kavanaugh, Brett Michael
Kennedy, Anthony McLeod
Marshall, Thurgood
Minton, Sherman
Murphy, Francis
O'Connor, Sandra Day
Powell Jr., Lewis Franklin
Reed, Stanley Forman
Rehnquist, William Hubbs
Roberts Jr., John G.
Rutledge, Wiley Blount
Scalia, Antonin
Sotomayor, Sonia
Souter, David H.
Stevens, John Paul
Stewart, Potter
Stone, Harlan Fiske
Thomas, Clarence
Vinson, Fred Moore
Warren, Earl
White, Byron Raymond
Whittaker, Charles Evans
Vote Type
voted with majority or plurality
regular concurrence
special concurrence
judgment of the Court
dissent from a denial or dismissal of certiorari , or dissent from summary affirmation of an appeal
jurisdictional dissent
justice participated in an equally divided vote
Opinion Type
justice wrote no opinion
justice wrote an opinion
justice co-authored an opinion
Vote Direction
Vote Majority
Majority Opinion Assigner
Include all justices ...
Alito Jr., Samuel A.
Barrett, Amy Coney
Black, Hugo Lafayette
Blackmun, Harry Andrew
Brennan Jr., William Joseph
Breyer, Stephen G.
Burger, Warren Earl
Burton, Harold Hitz
Clark, Tom Campbell
Douglas, William Orville
Fortas, Abe
Frankfurter, Felix
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
Goldberg, Arthur Joseph
Gorsuch, Neil McGill
Harlan II, John Marshall
Jackson, Ketanji Brown
Jackson, Robert Houghwout
Kagan, Elena
Kavanaugh, Brett Michael
Kennedy, Anthony McLeod
Marshall, Thurgood
Minton, Sherman
Murphy, Francis
O'Connor, Sandra Day
Powell Jr., Lewis Franklin
Reed, Stanley Forman
Rehnquist, William Hubbs
Roberts Jr., John G.
Rutledge, Wiley Blount
Scalia, Antonin
Sotomayor, Sonia
Souter, David H.
Stevens, John Paul
Stewart, Potter
Stone, Harlan Fiske
Thomas, Clarence
Vinson, Fred Moore
Warren, Earl
White, Byron Raymond
Whittaker, Charles Evans
Majority Opinion Writer
Include all justices ...
Alito Jr., Samuel A.
Barrett, Amy Coney
Black, Hugo Lafayette
Blackmun, Harry Andrew
Brennan Jr., William Joseph
Breyer, Stephen G.
Burger, Warren Earl
Burton, Harold Hitz
Clark, Tom Campbell
Douglas, William Orville
Fortas, Abe
Frankfurter, Felix
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
Goldberg, Arthur Joseph
Gorsuch, Neil McGill
Harlan II, John Marshall
Jackson, Ketanji Brown
Jackson, Robert Houghwout
Kagan, Elena
Kavanaugh, Brett Michael
Kennedy, Anthony McLeod
Marshall, Thurgood
Minton, Sherman
Murphy, Francis
O'Connor, Sandra Day
Powell Jr., Lewis Franklin
Reed, Stanley Forman
Rehnquist, William Hubbs
Roberts Jr., John G.
Rutledge, Wiley Blount
Scalia, Antonin
Sotomayor, Sonia
Souter, David H.
Stevens, John Paul
Stewart, Potter
Stone, Harlan Fiske
Thomas, Clarence
Vinson, Fred Moore
Warren, Earl
White, Byron Raymond
Whittaker, Charles Evans
Organize by Citation
9278 records
Organize by Docket
10784 records
Organize by Issue or Legal Provision
13854 records
Organize by Issue or Legal Provision including Split-Votes
13928 records
Modern Data (1946 - 2017)
Legacy Data (1791 - 1945)
Analysis Results
The Supreme Court Database has been generously supported by the National Science Foundation.